Mental problems by Corona
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned many people's lives upside down and brought the world to rest. The restrictions and measures associated with the virus are a new situation for everyone that has not yet taken place in this form. In addition, there are the financial, professional and personal consequences of the Corona virus. Whether it's the impending economic crisis, job loss, childcare cessation, travel restrictions or social isolation, almost every area of life is affected in one way.
Pupils, students and trainees are affected by the crisis. Many of them can no longer finance their studies by losing part-time jobs, can no longer continue their education or make their school leaving certificate regular. Older people and people belonging to the risk group are increasingly struggling with isolation and fears and have a harder time coping with their everyday lives. Childcare at home parallel to the home office also poses problems for many families. Restaurants, bars, clubs and other businesses and self-employed in the event and creative industries are very badly affected by the exit restrictions and are threatened in their existence.
Even without a global pandemic, such events are often the reason for psychological suffering in people, but these problems are exacerbated by the confusing and new overall situation. In the case of depression or anxiety disorders, loss of social contacts or a lack of structures in everyday life quickly lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. Victims of domestic violence are increasingly on their own and are exposed to increasing aggressiveness and frustration.
According to specialists from the German Society for Suicide Prevention, people with existing mental illnesses are particularly badly affected. Experts estimate that 30% of all Germans fall into this category. Due to local restrictions, some patients who were previously in therapy or treatment measures can no longer be cared for as usual. Therapy sessions via video conference can help here at short notice, but are not a complete substitute for regular psychological care.
In the meantime, restrictions are already being loosened gradually in many places in order to return to normality as far as possible and to alleviate the burden of the restrictions somewhat. But there will no longer be a “normality” like before the pandemic, because the world has changed forever. Almost everywhere in Germany and other European countries there is a mask requirement for shopping, public transport or restaurants and bars and it is still not foreseeable when major events, festivals, etc. will be possible again. A vaccine could be a possible solution to restore public life, and science is already working flat out on it.